Apple Sweater * 2001 * 6cm x 5.5cm x 1cm (each) * Apple, straight pins, ascorbic acid *

Approx. 900 pcs.

I represented Canada at the IV Jeux de la Francophonie 2001, in the sculpture competition. An incredible experience, that I still hold dear.

Each week I would buy cases of apples from the Halifax Farmer’s Market. I would bring them home, and cut them, to create a cross section of the core, and then cut them to shape, and then dip them in ascorbic acid, and dehydrate them. What happened with the rest? Well, the rest became apple sauce, and apple crisp to be given to expectant neighbours!

We called it ‘Art making by-product’.

Also, at the end of the installation of this piece, in Hull PQ, there were some extra Apple Sweaters – I shared them with some of the other artists, from all over the world. We had a beautiful ‘art communion’. One of my favourite art-memories, for sure.